Join the CalRTA family...

For more than 90 years, CalRTA has been the tireless watchdog for California's retired educators. Our first priority is to protect and enhance the pensions of CalSTRS members, but we also provide a social network of fellow educators, exclusive discounts on insurance, travel, entertainment and opportunities to give back and get involved.

There is strength in numbers. We'd love to welcome you to the CalRTA family.


CalRTA's mission is to ensure that current and retired California educators have a secure financial future, to assist current retirees, and to support public education in our communities.


  • Full purchasing power protection for all retired educators

  • Repeal of the Social Security penalties (the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset) which penalize careers in public education

  • A health care system that is accessible, affordable and of high quality for all Californians

  • Protecting the state's public education system


Membership Application Form


East Bay Division 2 member information

» Contact information update

If your name, address, phone or email has changed recently, please send the corrections to:

Suzanne Mathieson
P.O. Box 1200
Alameda, CA 94501

Not sure what information we have, send your current information. If you want the committee to be able to contact you, but don’t want your information published, please send a note telling what information to omit from the directory. If we don’t hear from you, we think it is OK.


May 7, 2019 Arranged by Harriet Hutchinson, Division 2 members were able to get tickets to this A’s game on Teachers’ Night Out with free parking and free A’s shirts.

» travel — members on the go

March 2, 2019 Division 2 members went to San Francisco to see a Chinese play, A change of Heart.

Click on a photo above and it will take you to a LIGHTBOX with that photo. You can also click the forward or previous arrow for a slideshow.

General Luncheon Meetings

The Division meets at noon on the first Thursday of the month at the Elks Club at 2255 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda CA. Each meeting features a luncheon and program.

Reservations should be made the Friday preceding the meeting. For information about the next meeting and a reservation form, see the latest newsletter.

Luncheon Reminder

December and June are free lunch IF you make a reservation by the deadline with Dianne Warner, and you bring your own eating implements. Reservations are required. Without a reservation, there is no lunch.

Board of directors' meetings

You are welcome to attend our sessions. The Board meets monthly from August through June on the fourth Thursdays. Board meetings are held at the home of Carolyn Rising. Please check the East Bay Division 2 Membership Directory for Carolyn’s address and phone number. Also check the CHALK DUST for scheduled meetings and location.

The chairs may bring a committee member with them or send a representative to share an update of the progress of their committee.

board of directors


  • Co-Presidents: Linda Taylor and Patricia Nunley

  • Vice President: Vacant

  • Secretary: Vacant

  • Treasurer: Jack Mathieson

  • Past President: Carolyn Rising

  • Corresponding Secretary: Rolly Dobbins


  • Chalk Dust Editor: Debbie Sarnoff

  • Communications: Vacant

  • Historian: Vacant

  • Insurance: Vacant

  • Government Relations: Dale and Linda Koistinen

  • Membership: Sherry Jacobs, Suzanne Mathieson

  • Publicity/Web Administrator: Edith Hereso

  • Resource Services: Mary Soo-Hoo

  • CalRTA LES Scholarship: LaQuita Cole


  • EB Scholarship Foundation: Renee Swayne, Yolanda Anthony

  • Hoffman Fund: Fredora Darmstadt

  • 25 Year Club: Zeola Slaughter, Patricia Nunley

  • PAC Liaison: Vacant

  • Travel: Vacant

  • Programs: Carolyn Rising, Elyse Dukatz

  • Luncheon Service: LaQuita Cole for table decorations and Ellen Shaler for lunch reservations

  • Inspirational Reading: Mary Soo-Hoo

  • Teacher Grants: Lorraine Holmstedt

  • Nominations: Vacant

  • Hostesses: Margaret Souza, Lynn Perata

Reports and articles by these officers and chairs appear in the Division 2 newsletter: CHALK DUST.

Board of directors' meeting summaries

This is a compilation of Board Meeting summaries. Click on the link to access them.

» Board Minutes