Welcome to Division 2

In 1931 our division became the second to affiliate with CalRTA. Now, we have over 400 members with most of them living in the Oakland area.

The California Retired Teachers Association was founded in 1929 in Pasadena. Our state association has grown to approximately 44,000 members. With an active legislation advocacy program, we have become the dominant authoritative force working at the federal, state, and local levels to protect and enhance our retirement benefits.

We do enjoy retirement! Locally, we have events such as luncheon meetings and day trips to provide opportunities for fellowship and just having fun. Every spring, our East Bay Division Scholarship Foundation awards several scholarships to students studying to become teachers. We raise funds through our Dollars for Scholars spring fundraising event.

We also have opportunities to take part in the political affairs that affect retired teachers and California schools. Postcard writing campaigns, visiting our local legislators, and even demonstrating are some of the activities that we have taken part in.


» Calrta legislative alert

May 23, 2024 Fighting for retirement security, we’re asking for a “mark-up” and vote for H.R. 82. Action needed—go to this link.

» Calrta state teacher grants

Three times each school year State CalRTA awards $100 classroom grants to 35 teachers.

- Teacher Grants Program for 2023/24 School Year

Program Dates: The new rounds will be launched in August 2023. Round #1 Open 8/23/23 to 9/13/23; Round #2 Open 10/4/23 to 10/25/23; Round #3 Open 1/14/24 to 2/14/24 Click here to check it out.


CalRTA State Teacher Grant was delivered to science teacher, Leangelo Acuna, Roosevelt Middle School, Oakland Unified School District, on Monday December 4, 2023 by Division 2 president Linda Taylor.

And keep your eyes open for grants and programs sponsored by local CalRTA Division 2 as well. Most of CalRTA's 86 Divisions statewide have direct-support programs for local schools.


Public school teachers in Alameda, Emeryville, Oakland, Piedmont and San Leandro may apply to Division 2’s twelve or more $250 grants for classroom use. Stay tuned for the next round.

CalRTA $250 Mini Grant Application 2023-2024

Winners of the Mini Grants 2023-2024 have been notified and presented with their checks at their respective schools.

Check out the CalRTA Division 2 Teacher Grant winners. Teachers were chosen from Division 2's geographical area — San Leandro, Oakland, Piedmont, Alameda, and Emeryville — in February 2024.

2023 - 2024 Calendar

Division 2 Choir

Choir Practice: The CalRTA choir needs more singers! Join our Retired Teachers’ Choir and enjoy making music with your retired teacher friends. The choir will have its first rehearsal at 10 AM before the October 5th meeting. Lolita Morelli and Larana Robinson are co-directors.

Division 2 Meetings

2023 - 2024 Luncheons—First Thursday of each month: Sept 7; Oct 5; Nov 2; Dec 7; Jan 4; Feb 1; Mar 7; Apr 4; May 2; June 5

2023 - 2024 membership programs

  • Thursday, September 7, 2023 Luncheon 12:00 - 2 PM Elks Lodge Rathskeller in Alameda, CA. We invite you to participate in “Getting To Know You” activities.

  • Thursday, October 5, 2023 Luncheon 12:00 - 2 PM Elks Lodge 2nd Floor Ballroom at 2255 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, CA. Jennifer Baker will update us regarding our STRS pensions and pending legislation. Ms Baker is a knowledgeable speaker from the state. We are inviting CalRTA Division 49 (Berkeley) to join us.

  • Thursday, November 2, 2023 Luncheon The program will be planned by Zeola Slaughter and Patricia Nunley to celebrate the newest members of our 25 Year Club.

  • Thursday, December 7, 2023 Luncheon You are invited to enjoy the angelic sounds of your CalRTA Division 2 Choir.

  • Thursday, January 4, 2024 Chinese New Year

  • Thursday, February 1, 2024 African American History, Valentine’s Day

  • Thursday, March 7, 2024 Irish American History, Women’s History

  • Thursday, April 4, 2024 Earth Day, National Poetry Month, National Tell a Story Day

  • Thursday, May 2, 2024 Cinco de Mayo, Mothers’ Day, California Day of the Teacher

  • Thursday, June 6, 2024 Juneteenth, Fathers’ Day

    Spring programs are not completely set at this time. There is still room for your input.

division 2 newsletters

calrta government relations committee newsletter

quick links